
Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Whats your favourite Joke? 
Hi and welcome back to my Blog! 
I hope you had or having a wonderful day. 
Today we learnt how to make a Adobe Spark. Here is mine 😅. 
Sorry if I kinda went a bit to far with the laughing but yea. 
I hope you like my Joke! Please share with me your favourite joke I would
love to hear it. 
Have a amazing day bloggers bye for now! 


  1. Hey Honey!
    I already knew that joke but it is a good joke isn't it! :) I don't really know what my favourite joke is, there are so so so (etc) many. At the start of your laughing I just thought it was normal, but then you laugh turned into crazy laughing. I laughed when you laughed, you have a very very very (etc) funny laugh. Also if you put your laugh in slow-mo it sounds like your dying and if you put it in fast it sounds normal except your laugh is very high pitched and fast. Over all great job!
    From your smartest, nicest and responiblest cousin ever...
    Gaia! :3

  2. Hey Honey!
    I love this video it's crazy especially the laugh what I really liked was the laugh and let me guess Mr Sutherland made you do some dad jokes. I love the fact that you added a women laughing and the fact that you kinda creamed when you were faking your laughs. Next time you use adobe spark it would be better if you waited for awhile and then spoke bye.

  3. HONEY!!! hi
    This video is crazy I love it. I don't realy have any favourite jokes. I did not get your joke but that laugh was so funny. In Toroa we have been using adobe spark you can see on my blog if you want their is one on my necklace and one on an old man any way ta ta see you soon!

    and yes it was Mr Sutherland.


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