
Friday, March 27, 2020

Fun Field Trip

This is Day 4 of Home learning. For my task for today I have chosen to do a virtual field trip to Monterey Bay,  California. This year I was going to America but it looks like I will have to wait till next year. But I still wanted to have a look so I chose it to be my Virtual field trip.

Its currently Thursday Afternoon at Monterey Bay, Its 12c and Raining. Great Day to go to the aquarium, its currently closed due to Covid 19 but I still enjoyed a great virtual tour of the aquarium.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Visitor Guide

Monterey Aquarium has a lot to explore, when I was roaming around there website I found a virtual tour,  here is the link If you would like to check that out.

Virtual Tour

Also I found out that they do sleepovers,Tours and Live cams
Here are some examples of tours, Open sea feeding, Penguin Feeding, Luna the sea otter story and Project white shark.
Also I looked at most of  the live cams and the Sharks eye view was definitely my fave.
Sharks eye view cam

Also the website has a lot of Information on Climate change, Pollution and the seas Eco system.

Oh and last but not least for my Aunty Jane here is a video to keep you calm.

I hope that next year we will possibly go there in real life.
I hope you liked my Virtual field trip, please comment
on what I can Improve on and where would you go.
Thank you for listening :)

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Have you ever gone fishing? This is Home learning day 3 , today I chose to do a writing task about Teeth Just like the other stories, high diving giraffes and Pigeon impossible we had a video to look at then write about it. I chose to do the task to write about both the men's point of view, I also gave both of them a name. I hope you enjoy my story.

Bills point of view

I was so excited, today was mine and Brian’s fishing trip. Brian had mentioned some really good spots out on the lake and I couldn't wait to get a good old salmon to cook. The sun shined down on us as we clambered onto Brian's  little wooden rowing boat. As we sailed of into the middle of the lake, the boat creaked, it didn't feel so stable. I was thinking of saying should we head back or are your sure this thing is stable, but then I knew Brian was really looking forward to this trip and really so was I. As the shore disappeared out of sight,we got out our fishing rods and started fishing.  Nothing was biting, and to make matters worse, I sneezed and it was that bad that my teeth came out. I searched and searched the old boat but found nothing. Brian thought it was funny and he laughed but it really wasn't that funny, well, at least for me. Then Brian pointed my teeth out for me, they were sitting on the side of the boat. Yes! Finally my teeth! But then the boat rocked and my teeth fell into the deep blue murky waters of the lake, As I peered over the side I saw my teeth slowly falling into the depths and then out of sight. And Brian kept on laughing, maybe it had been a bit funny to start off with, but it really wasn’t that funny anymore. After a while I decided to turn my back on him and he turned his back on me, I could still hear him laughing though.  Then brian tapped me on the shoulder, and he had a Massive Salmon!!! But then he laughed and I saw that there was his teeth in the fishes mouth. Time for payback I thought to myself. I took Brian's teeth out and tried them on it was a bit disgusting but then I threw them into the water and I could see Brian's face turn from laughing to shocked.

Brian's point of view

Today was the day! Bill and I were heading out onto Blue Fin Lake on a great adventure, best pals fishing. As I stood there next to my trusty rowing boat I could see the sun shining on the puddles that lay on the ground at the side of the lake.  After a Long time of waiting for Bill he finally turned up. Thank goodness. We rowed away from the shore, the houses on the lakefront getting smaller and smaller until they disappeared into thin air. I could smell the fishy smells wafting across the air, above the glistening lake. We casted our fishing rods out and waited, then something hilarious happened.. Bill sneezed. And even worse his teeth fell out. Now this was just too funny and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.  I laughed so hard I could hardly talk. Bill searched the boat, he didn’t look like he was finding it as funny. Suddenly, I spotted his teeth, I felt like a hero until his teeth fell over board. Now that was funny, again I burst out laughing. Soon Bill decided to turn his back on me, so I did the same. Then something tugged on my fishing line, Finally! A salmon, beautiful. I looked at its face and grinned, I had a idea to make Bill laugh! I pulled out my teeth and stuck them in the fish's mouth. Then I poked Bill to show him my joke. Bill suddenly turned around and stared, I was already giggling, Bill then took my teeth out of the fish, he then stuck them in his mouth!  I felt confused. Suddenly, Bill threw my teeth out into the lake. I watched them sinking beneath the water and my laugh changed into a gasp.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

High diving Giraffes!

Have you ever heard of a high diving giraffe? For day 2 of Home school I decided to do a task on High diving giraffes,Like pigeon impossible we got a video. After we watched the video we had a couple of tasks to choose from I chose to do describe what a giraffe would see,here is my story.

High Diving Giraffes

My brown eyes open as the hot golden sun shines on my face,I knew it would be a marvelous day for a swim. I stretch my long legs and decide to head off to the pool.The silver doors open and the sun shined on the grey sparkling tiles,I look around and I knew I wasn't the only one who wanted a swim, 14 more golden yellow animals with brown spots and long necks just like mine were already lining up, ready.The line goes into the corridor and our brown hazel nut hooves clip and clop walking down the milky white floor.A strange object that had a black screen  hangs down from the ceiling I sniffed it and gave it a little lick just to make sure it wasn't anything bad, It seems harmless enough, so I just walked away, feeling the excitement building in my tummy.In front of me, the line turned a corner and we ended up on a staircase with floor boards of smooth brown wood and a glass railing.The line stopped near the top. Suddenly I hear the sound of hooves thundering across the floor, and the first Giraffe was gone,then the second then the third and soon enough it was my turn.My heart thumped, butterflies fluttered crazily inside me, and my legs wobbled as I made my run.  I looked up and saw a giraffe hanging onto the ceiling, with his front hooves reaching out, ready to help me jump. “Whoosh” My small hoofed feet lifted off the ground, I soared through the air like a jet plane and reaching out, caught hold of the other giraffes hooves. With a firm push he threw me further up into the air. I tucked myself up into a a round ball as best as i could, tucking both my feet in and my neck , and spun around once, twice, faster and faster. The clear blue water shimmering under me. “SPLASH” all went quiet, water rushed into my ears and bubbled up my nose , and I was now flying through the water . The feeling of the water was soothing, and calm.  My large long body felt weightless in the water. Reluctantly, I dragged myself back onto dry land and my face was grinning with excitement. I followed the giraffe line back up the brown wood floor eager for another go. Another giraffe had joined in and was hanging down from the ceiling, waiting. Soon, I was back up again on the diving board and “WHOOSH” I was yet again flying through the sky. After the full day of lining up and diving all the yellow long necked animals needed a drink, I stretched my yellow legs far apart, lowered my neck and drank. All of a sudden, “ Bang!”. One of the doors to the pool opened, humans were awake. Soon the only sound was a distant clip clopping as all the giraffes fled quickly back up the grey shining corridor.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The case of the missing case

This is day one of home school and I decided to do my task on Pigeon impossible,For this task we had to write about this video about a pigeon and a man who was a spy. After we watched the video we could choose from 5 tasks and I chose to do the one were you could write another mission for this man that got ruined by the pigeon, here is my story.

The case of the missing Case!

It was a sunny Saturday morning as I sat on a little green bench with my case filled with spy gadgets on clear view street the smell of baked donuts filled the air as the cities lights filled the place with happiness .The smell of the round chocolate topped treats was wafting up my nose and my mouth filled with craving.I had to have one! By the time I had lined up and actually gotten the bakers treat I had forgotten all about my case which I had left on the green bench which made your butt have splinters. I hurried back to the bench and there standing in front of me was a pigeon! A pigeon who was staring at MY donut. The bird with silky grey and white feather then sat on my case, It was like he was saying “give me the donut in return for the case” and no way I would give my mouth watering donut to a bird. The pigeons eyes hardened at the donut like he would pounce at any time. I was getting sick of this silly bird and I attempted to shoo him.The bird got frightened and fell off, “HA HA” I looked around at the people walking beside me to see if they laughed but instead they looked at me as if I was a weirdo. I felt ashamed and I thought I should just get my case and move on.But when I looked back at the bench the case was gone! A strange sound bussed in my ear like something was hovering above me,I looked up and there was my case!...but how can it fly? Then I remembered The Pigeon! I looked up again and a grey head stuck out and it looked angry.The pigeon pulled its head back in and smacked the buttons with his head.Soon enough the pigeon got rockets and they were aiming at me! 

All there was left to do was run.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Fabulous Food

What's your favourite food?
In Home base Hauora with Mr Bell we did a activity called The Origin of Food.
  We had to write about our favourite food, where it came from, when
was it created, and how was it created . I have chosen to write about ice cream.
This was a very fun activity and I enjoyed looking at all the yummy
pictures of ice cream. I would love some feedback on how I could improve
on this slide. I hope you enjoy reading my slide.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Wonderful Welsh

For inquiry Term 1 we had to write about our culture.
I chose to do wales, for this task we had to state about the population
of the country and what its capital is.We also had to say about the flag, food
dance, language and many more things that we could state about the country.
My slide is not yet finished, so there will be some stuff that is not yet complete.
I hope you enjoy watching my slide, please comment on some things I can
improve on.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Cursed Caribbean

For Maths time in we were learning about probability,and we got to make board games.
My team chose to do one about pirates of the Caribbean,Have you ever watched the movies?
This image is a finished product,we played the board game and it turned out really cool.
I won the game and my friends Mathew and Flynn came second and third .
I hope you like my board game and I really would like you to comment on any cool ideas you would do for a board game.