
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Summer Learning Journey: Task 9

 Hey Guys welcome back to another Summer Learning Journey post! 

So This task was pretty fun, We had to design a Santa costume that related to where we live! So This was pretty fun and It reminded me of the time when I thought I heard a reindeer on the roof and then I tried to go to bed as fast as I could! I don't exactly know why it reminded me of that but it just did! 

So here is my Santa!

So Yeah mine is based on the Antarctic centre! Hope you enjoyed this post and remember to comment!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Summer Learning Journey: Task 8

 Hello, Welcome to another day of Summer Learning Journey!

This Task was interesting....and quite hard to come up with ideas. Well It might not look hard but when you are tired and your brain is DEAD!!! Then it gets hard. While this task was a Journey and all, It also reminded me of the time when I had a test and I was so pressured to get it done. I have so much work going on.....

Well here is my Task.

So you know the first page which has my ornaments on them? Well please comment on 
what doesn't belong out of them. 
Well i'm pretty busy with Christmas cards right now...Bye!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Summer Learning Journey: Task 7

 Salut à tous, je parle dans une langue différente! Woo I was speaking in a different language! Can you guess what language it was in the comments?

Hey Guys welcome back to another Summer Learning Journey Task!!!

This task was really fun! It reminded me of my dad climbing a ladder! Uhh ok then.....

So Task 7 was really fun it was all about making optical illusions! I followed a video on youtube if you want to do it yourself here is the link- LINK.

Ok So here is my Ladder illusion!

I hope you like it and remember HE'S SPECIAL :>. No actually remember that you can always comment on what I should improve on, I love reading your comments! Bye!

Summer Learning Journey: Task 6

Hello Everyone welcome back my friends to another day of learning in summer time.

So yeah hey guys its another task of Summer Learning Journey! 

Lets get into it!

So this one was all about art and learning about art, first we watched a video on the elements of art then we went onto Art Colouring Book its a really cool site by the way! So after we went onto that we chose a art piece and customized it? I think that's what we were mean't to do anyway. So  I chose the art called: Woman Combing her hair. You may be thinking "Uhh who calls a art piece that?" well actually you might not be thinking that but I was at the time. So Yeah heres my work!

I had so much fun doing this and even though its not as fun doing it on computer than normal drawing it was still really fun. 

Its not my best work since her HANDS WHITE! Well she could be wearing a glove on one hand?

Heh heh but yeah not the best....Soooo I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to comment ;)

HONEY OUT peace.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Summer Learning Journey: Task 5!

Hi everyone welcome to my blog! This is task 5 of the Summer Learning Journey.

This task was fun! We had to choose a blog to comment on and then write it into a google doc. I chose to do mine on Finau's here is the link to her blog!

Finau's Blog 

Anyway here is my quality blog comment!

I hope you agree with me that it was a quality blog comment!
I think it is because my Spelling, Puntuaction and my comment makes sense.
I have started with a greeting and complimented the author ( this is the positive part).
I have made a connection by asking questions and saying that I would never do something ( Thoughtful).
And I have said something that they could improve on.
Well bloggers I hope you enjoyed this post and HONEY OUT peace!!!

Summer Learning Journey: Task 4

Hi guys welcome back to another post of SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY!!! woo yay woooooo. 
Anyway lets get into task 4! 
This task was interesting...first of all I had to watch a video and post about a video I have already posted about before in literacy and then I see Mark, a Marshland cyber safety teacher! "HI MARK!". Ok enough of that, this task wasn't my favourite task so also reminded me of this time when I was fishing and I caught a fish and then felt sorry and let it free and chucked it into the sea. Ahh fun times, fun back to the task. We had to make a comic strip and and fill in what they were saying. I was not the best at this. Oh and by the way I named one of them Bill....

Yeah I hope you enjoyed and see ya next time!

Summer Learning Journey: Task 3

 Hello Everyone and welcome back to yet another Summer Learning Journey post!

 Task three was pretty cool! We had to make a insect out of flowers, sticks, leaves and more! Uhh lets just say that I didn't have many resources. I really did love searching and finding flowers to use to make my insect. It also gave me a nice excuse to walk around the garden chatting with my nanny! I chose to make a bee...beecause....get it bee - cause like because. Sorry already with the puns :P. Anyway I chose to do a bee because the flowers in my nanny's garden are mostly yellow. So I hunted around for more resources and didn't find much. But it was very fun. I think next time I should try not to pick such flimsy flowers that breaks every time you touch it! Well here is my result! 

Yeah hes small and all, he looks like he's squashed and his wing is dislocated! 
Well lets just say he maybe small but he has a BIG heart. 
Happy summer holidays bloggers. And remember BEE happy!

Summer Learning Journey: Task 2

 Hey Bloggers! Welcome back to another Summer Learning Journey Task!

This task was actually really fun! It was all about Pronunciation and I also had to get my brother involved! Basically we had to create a Screencastify with 2 people (Me and my Brother) and make them say "What are you doing today" in Maori and you then would reply. So me and my brother did that twice rotating with who says what. I hope you enjoy my video, I am so sorry if the pronunciation is wrong. Now just sit back and enjoy.....

Summer Learning Journey: Task 1

 Kia Ora Everyone Its Honey here and welcome to my blog!

Today my post is all about the Summer Learning Journey! And my posts will probably be about the Summer Learning Journey for a bit. Ok well today's task was to learn about Tanerore. Tanerore is the son of Tama-nui-te-ra. He is the personification of shimmering air, and also the Wiriwiri which is used in kapa haka reminds us of him ( The Shimmering Air). Well now to the task we had to create a Kowhaiwhai pattern that represents summer. I chose to do it online. My Kowhaiwhai represents the heat at summer time . I hope you like it and remember to comment on what I should improve on :D.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Terrific Taiga Biome :3

 Hello everyone welcome to probably the last blog post in school! Not....that i'm happy about that heh. Anyway lets get on with my post! So I am posting about my Inquiry for this term. This was so so so so so so so so so so FUN! We were learning about survival in the wild! We got to make our OWN civilisation! It was fun, my favourite part was making it in minecraft! So well here it is...

Hope you enjoyed it, please comment! 
Bye bye friends...UNTIL NEXT TIME!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Mystery Murder. I BET IT'S RUTH!!!

Hi, Bonjour, Hola, Salve, Konnichiwa, Anyoung haseyo, Guten Tag! Sorry got a bit carried away heh.  Uhh...welcome to my blog!

Anyway a couple of days ago in math we had a task were we had to find clues to find out a murderer who had killed someone in a health spa! I mean who like who would do that! Anyway we had 32 suspects...

Uhh can you see the names? Comment if you cant ;). We got given 5 clues to find out who it was. 
P.s Its not Ruth :(. But before we got the clues we had to do MATH! And each answer would give us a letter so once we did all of them, we would have a message. This was the first task. Yeah you cant see it sorry. I don't want this post to be to big. The first message was THE KILLER DROPPED HIS HAT. 

The second task was angles.
And the message was THE MURDERER HAS DARK HAIR The third task is a compass task
And the message... KILLER IS RIGHT HANDED The fourth clue was THE KILLER DROVE and the Final was THE MURDERER HAS A SKIRT! Who is the murderer comment down below! And I will tell you if your right :D.

Funky Flamingos!!!

Hey Bloggers! Welcome back to Honeys amazing, spectacular, BEAUTIFUL... blog!

Ok so today I want to teach you about Flamingos!!! So in Literacy we had a task to explain, Why flamingos are pink, What they eat and what are cartenoids. I hope you enjoy my post! Also I added in a animation because it was just a bit of fun :D. 

Im so sorry they are kinda short, It was a one of task because of school swimming and all that. Oh and don't forget to comment!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Glistening Gold :>


Have you ever went Gold digging? Kia Ora everyone welcome to my blog! 
I'm Honey and here is my task. In literacy we are learning about gold digging our first test 
was to make a mine in minecraft! That was so fun I might even post some photos of it. 
Comment if you want to see it. After that we had to make a animation on gold digging here is
mine hope you like it. And I'll see you next time bye ◑︿◐.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Special Speech

 Hi bloggers its Honey here! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I hope I make it up to you with my speech. This Speech was really fun to write about. And also just saying I have made it to the speech finals so yeah. Hope you like it and please comment on what I should improve :>. Bye 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

COoL Canterburys :>

 Hey Guys Its Honey :D and welcome to my blog! So I just got back from Canterbury swimming!I competed in 3 events ( Not including Finals), First was the relay. I was in a team with 3 other students (Not including me). We raced in order I went second and swam two lengths. Overall we came 5th! Next was backstroke I went into the finals and I think I came 3rd! Then there was a break.... then the breaststroke and I got into finals. Overall I came 5th in relay, 3rd in backstroke and 7th in breaststroke. 

Then we headed out to the tiny grey car that belonged to our caretaker. It was fun in the car and we talked until......MC DONALD'S CAME! Everyone was screaming " TURN RIGHT TURN RIGHT" and " WE NEED MACCA'S" Then he turned on the indicator. And... kept driving. It kept happening, Mc Donald's , KFC,  Burger king , Subway and more. But no Mc Donald's and that's the end of my story. 

Have you ever competed in a sport competition?

Anyway hope you enjoyed my post. It was so fun to write except the sad no macca's ending :(. 

Have a good day!!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Weird Maui man

 Hey Guys welcome back to my blog!! Its no longer Maori language week :( . But I still have some time to finish some of the tasks since I have no other tasks at the moment. Ok so I guess you already know what I was doing ( The title says it all). Ok Here is my weird Maori man piskel! 

I know weird right? This task was really easy and I hope you like it :)/ 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Maori MineCraft!

 Kia Ora Bloggers Kei te pehea koe? That means how are you doing? I'm feeling awesome Maori language week yay!!! In literacy we got to experience the Te ao Maori in minecraft! Here are some amazing pictures ( I took myself because i'm amazing ;D). 

Wow I just love my photos! Whats your favourite photo? Mine is of the Kiwi taking a bath :D. 
Have a Happy Maori language week. Ka pai to ra! 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Waving Whirlpools

Hi Bloggers so um I don't know why I called this post waving whirlpools, I tried to come up with a better name but um no.  But this is a picture to actually makes this title make sense. 

Ok back to the task, we basically had to read about whirlpools and then say what we would do If we were going on a vacation to see one place where whirlpools occur regularly. I chose the Naruto whirlpools. The Naruto whirlpools occur in Tokushima, Japan under the Onaruto bridge. So here is me and my friends slide :). 

Friday, September 4, 2020

Marvelous Music

 Kia ora Bloggers, Welcome to my blog! For inquiry term 3 we have been learning to make music on our device's. This was so fun and I mostly enjoyed trying out other notes and tunes. Here is my Music! 

The reason we created music was for a Pukeko/ year 2,3 disco!!
I got to see my brother dancing and it was sooooo fun! We created music to prove that we can be creators not just users. I hope you enjoyed my music and see ya next time :D. Also if it says edit with music lab please don't press it :). 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fantastic Fibonacci


Hi Bloggers, welcome back. Marshland school is now having Math week!? Who here loves Math!!!
Here is my Fibonacci Sequence golden spiral. My favourite part was drawing the faces onto the spiral :). I didn't have to do it but it was really fun.  The Fibonacci sequence is made on the numbers
 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55.

Here is how it works, 0+1 = 1 
1 +1 = 2
2+1= 3
3+2= 5 
and so on. The Fibonacci sequence is a strange but amazing!  I hope you learn't something today . 
Honey Out ;D!!!

Monday, August 31, 2020

Cool Cooking :D

Hey Guys welcome back to my blog!
Have you ever cooked before?
In literacy we are learning to write persuasive writing.
My topic is about why I think kids should learn to cook.
This task was really fun and I enjoyed searching up all the facts and
Just having fun writing. 
Ok so I hope you agree with what I am saying, and if you don't please tell 
me why. Ok See ya later bloggers bye!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Book Week!!!

 Happy Book week bloggers! Marshland school is having book week! Well actually its finished so by the time you see this post it will not be book week sooo yea . Ok anyway so now I will share with you my literacy class and all of there costumes, P.S its a bit blurry so sorry about that! Also here is one of me as Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. And also me and my awesome friends :). I hope you like the pictures. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

My twisted fairy tale book

 Hey Bloggers and welcome back to my blog! Today I will share with you my weird book about a man Pig with hair. I hope you enjoy reading it, because it was so fun to create! Creating this book reminded me of Rapunzel because the pigs hair is long and blonde. I really hope you like the book and enjoy reading. Oh and sorry if it's a long post but I can't help it :( . Also click on the pictures to read it :) . 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Beautiful Board game!

Hey guys so this post is VERY late to be published so i'm sorry. 
So in maths like months ago I was making a board game :). 
And we never made the board game we just made the characters. 
Here they are! Oh and don't forget to tell me who's the cutest! Sorry this may be a long post ;l.
Anyway I had so much fun creating these and I hope day I really will create a board game. 
Also I took these characters from a drawing I did and that's what It reminds me about. 

Beautiful Binary Code

Have you ever wanted to know what binary means and how you can read it?
Hi I'm  01001000 01001111 01001110 01000101 01011001 and welcome to my blog! Yea you may not be able to read binary yet so I'm Honey!. 
Here is a chart of how to. 
So now you can read your name! 
Please tell me what yours is in the comments. 
Ok so that's it for how to read your name in binary! 

Friday, July 24, 2020

My Werid Book :D

Welcome back Bloggers! Today I'm sharing with you my Book about Toffles/ Apple tree. I hope you like it. I hope you enjoy reading the book :)
This activity was really fun and I loved 
being creative with my words.
Please tell me if you can't read it.
I know that there are two slides that have the number 4 on it and I will fix it, when I have time. Also sorry that's its a long post but I couldn't fix that sorry. 
Please give me feed back in the comments, see ya later bye! 
Honey Bunny OUT :l.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Mr Fractions Tragic Death! 😭😭😭

Hi bloggers! Today I'm blogging about maths! Maths was very tough this week but it soon turned into a funny time instead. Me and my friend Flynn decided to make a Newspaper about fractions. Our paper is called Fraction time by NEWZZY NEWZ. I can't get a picture of it right now because its not done but I promise I will get a picture soon. OK so PEACE Honey Out!
Oh here is a story from our paper. It is a sad day for fraction lovers around the world. With the murder of Mr Fraction when his cleaner came in to clean the clothes she found him split in half. Witnesses say he was half the man he used to be. Suspects: PENCIL GANG!
ok so thats it if you want to see more of Mr Fraction please say so in the comments.

Friday, July 3, 2020

I finally complete my dream!!!

 Have you ever completed your dream?
Hi there bloggers this post was mean't for last week but still :D.
So as the title says I completed my dream and I did!!!
Here is a picture of what it might have looked like.

Sorry I couldn't take a picture of mine because I ate it :3.
It  was really yummy and I just couldn't help myself!
I hope one day you complete your dream too.
Bye for now bloggers!

Agent Cat!!!

Hey Bloggers! Welcome back to my blog!
Here is my Cat animation I made in literacy this task was really fun!
Since it was the last day of the week we got to do this so i'm happy.
I hope you have a wonderful day and make sure you stay warm.
Bye Bloggers see you next term! Unless I blog post in the holidays.
So Bye!

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Horrible Bad Movie

Hey Guys welcome back to my blog!
I hope you have been waiting for the most horrible movie ever. 
Have you ever used We video? If you have what did you create?
I created a weird Movie :( .
It might not be the best but I only had a day to complete it because It was sick for 4 days.
In literacy we had to create a story about a dragon and then make a movie out of the story. 
Here' s mine tell me if there anything I can improve :D. 
Have a great day bloggers and see you next time. 


Dastardly Dragons

Hi there Bloggers today I am blogging about my own Dragon movie!
Have you ever thought of or created a movie? 
In literacy we are all writing about a Dragon and the adventures he or she goes on.
 The Dragon I am writing about is called Blue and he finds himself in a mess with Hunters. 
When he and his friends escape they take revenge but then find themselves damaging there Home. 
But then the world flourishes and its all happy! 
I will Blog about my Movie soon or Later Bye Bye for now Bloggers!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fabulous Fat

Have  you ever cooked a meal by yourself? 
Hi there Bloggers! Welcome back to Honeys cooking show! 
Sorry I just wanted to add the Honey cooking show thing. 
This is my Info graphic on Fat! Soon I hope we will cook but for now info graphics are the tasks. 
I hope by looking at my post you might learn something. 
OK that's it for now bye Bloggers! 

Sisters don't always like each other

Kia Ora Bloggers! Welcome back to my awesome blog :D.
Do you have a sister or brother and you just nearly always argue? 
I have a brother his name is Alfie, I love him so much but we don't always get along.
In literacy our task for this week was to read a story and then show what the main characters were like in all their ages. The story was called the red ball, the main characters are called Ida and May. They are like sisters but they also despise each other sometimes. I hope you enjoyed my blog post and I will see you next time Bloggers Bye!  

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Powerful Protein

Do you know protein? 
For term 2 inquiry we got to chose between a bunch of activities to try out!  
From The activities we got to chose my favourites were Yoga and Nutrition. 
I got into Nutrition! For the first task we had to create a Info graphic about protein. 
After we create more info graphics we soon get to cook! 
I hope you enjoyed my post and maybe learned something. 
Bye bye for now bloggers :D.